Saturday, May 23, 2020

Five Tips to Overcoming Insomnia

Five Tips to Overcoming Insomnia Insomnia is the lack of sleep and this is a problem which affects many people. A   key factor among them is a change in lifestyle. Sleeping is very important for the body as it allows the body to rejuvenate itself and allows for full relaxation. Data is showing that three out of 10 adults suffer from insomnia where they are unable to get quality sleep during the night. Here are five tips which you can use in overcoming insomnia. Have a sleep schedule The body needs a regular pattern of when to sleep and it’s very important to set a sleeping schedule.  This allows the body to become used to time which you fall asleep, and   you will tend to feel sleepy. Going to sleep at different times makes it hard for the body to adjust and get in sync with the time when you should sleep.  You need to have a schedule where you sleep and wake at the same time every day of the week. Reduce Caffeine Intake Many people tend to take coffee or tea only a short time   before they sleep.   They contain caffeine which is a stimulant which reduces the likelihood of sleep. It’s important to evaluate the amount of caffeine you take a few hours before going to bed.    Its advisable to not consume anything with caffeine for at least four to six hours before bedtime. Exercise Regularly Exercising is very important in eliminating insomnia, as it increases the quality of sleep and also increase the duration when one sleeps without interruption. Exercising should be done during the day and it’s not advisable to exercise a few hours before bed time. If you exercise a few hours before sleep, the body will have more adrenaline which can affect sleep. Reduce Stress One of the key hindrances to sleep is stress.   The reason for this is that stress causes the mind to be restless and thus makes it hard to get sleep. Stress is a common occurrence for all humans and managing stress is one way of improving the quality of sleep.  Reducing stress is not as easy as it sounds but it’s one of the ways that one can ensure to get quality sleep at night.   Try meditation or other techniques that help calm the mind and body. Set the Tone And Temp In looking to overcome insomnia you need to set the tone for your bedroom. This includes reducing the light. Research has found that too much light in the bedroom,   be it from natural or artificial light,   can affect the quality of sleep. One is advised to invest in dark curtains and eliminate light to make the bedroom as sleep friendly as possible.  It’s also important to make sure that the bedroom is as quiet as possible as noise tends to disrupt the quality of sleep. Regulate the temperature of your bedroom so that it’s not too cold or too hot. Click here to learn more on how to overcome insomnia.

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