Saturday, December 28, 2019

Do Hobbies and Interests Have a Place on Your Resume

Do Hobbies and Interests Have a Place on Your Resume Do Hobbies and Interests Have a Place on Your Resume Whether you have limited work experience or are an industry vet looking to breath more life into a dull resume, adding your hobbies and interests to your resume may be the perfect way to woo recruiters. These elements can give employers a complete picture of you beyond the skills youll bring to the role. Plus, showing a potential employer that you are a well-rounded person can get your resume noticed.But whats the difference between a hobby and an interest? In short Interests are passive, whereas hobbies are the active pursuit of interests. Collecting stamps, writing poetry, building model airplanes, and knitting are all hobbies reading about these subjects would make them interests. Both interests and hobbies can be directly associated with your profession or might be completely unrelated to your work.Interests are occasional pursuits or pastimes. For example, someone with an interest in financial investing might read a lot about the stock market, whereas someone who lists investing as a hobby likely spends hours each week studying financial reports and trading stocks. Make sense?You arent required to add hobbies and interests to your resume, so if you do add them, do so strategically and sparingly. Only mention those hobbies and interests you are prepared to discuss during an interview. Never add fake interests just to enhance your resume if a recruiter asks about them during the hiring process, youll call your own bluff and theyll discover you know little or nothing about one of your so-called passions.Another protip Only include safe-for-work pastimes. If any of your pursuits could be considered at all offensive, dont include them in your resume. In general, avoid mentioning hobbies or interests with a political or religious bent, as well as anything that might make you look frivolous. Shopping and binge-watching Netflix, for example, wont earn you an y points.Hobbies and Interests That Look Great on a ResumeHere are examples of hobbies and interests that willposition you as a more attractive candidateTravel Letting employers know you enjoy travel is an excellent way to show that you are a curious person with seeks out new experiences.Reading If you add this to your resume, be prepared to discuss the last book you read or your favorite blogs and publications.CollectingIf youve been collecting stamps since you were eight-years-old or you have a passion for antique typewriters, its work mentioning. Employers often want to hire people who have pursuits outside of work.BloggingBloggers tend to be experts in the topics they cover. Whether or not your blog is relevant to your desired position, it can show consistency and expertise. If your blog contains content of a deeply personal nature, however, you should keep it off your resume.Volunteer Work/Community Involvement Companies want people who are engaged, and many companies strive to be more actively involved in their communities. Active community involvement or volunteer work can be a real asset on your resume.SportsMentioning sports you play or watch regularly can lend proof tothe soft skills listed on your resume, like being a team player, conflict resolution, and leadership abilities.Club Memberships Being a member of a club can highlight your ability to work well with likeminded individuals. But remember Dont include clubs with a religious or political focus.LiveCareer develops tools to help job seekers write resumes, draft cover letters, and prepare for interviews.Master the species of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Pros and Cons of Consensus Decision Making

Pros and Cons of Consensus Decision MakingPros and Cons of Consensus Decision MakingConsensus decision making sounds like a way in which you can achieve the best possible outcome from the decisions made at work. If you can bring all kollektiv members on board, youll have developed a decision that everyone likes, respects, and supports. Thats the theory, but it often falls flat. While all team members agree to support the consensus decision, the decision may elend, in fact, be the optimal decision for the team or the business. Here are the significant pros and cons to consider when you use consensus decision making. Pros of Consensus Decision Making Everyone agrees to support the decision. Reaching a conclusion that everyone on the team supports is a positive, often effective, team strategy. With 100 percent agreement, you can move forward with confidence, and you dont have to worry about another employee working to undermine your efforts. Every employee involved sees a benefit. T o get everyone to agree, it generally (but not always) means that the decision made will benefit every group within the team or organization. Youre not sacrificing good HR, for example, to make finance happy, or vice versa. You present a unified front. Leadership teams often have to make decisions that employees dont like or support. Thats part of leadership. You will find its far easier to convince employees who may not like the decision when they receive a consistent message from their managers and senior leaders. The team experiences a collaborative spirit. When you come to a group consensus, your climate for employees feels quite cooperative. Everyones ideas were heard, and you came to a decision that all team members could support. This interactive process can bring about feelings of goodwill. Cons of Consensus Decision Making Committees can agree to bad decisions. In the news recently, a group of 14 teachers dressed up as a border wall and Mexicans. Many parents and studen ts were offended, and some parents even inquired about moving their kids out of the school. As business writer Erik Sherman said, Individuals can generate bad ideas, but it takes a committee for a real disaster. Groupthink is real. The above Halloween disaster is an example of Groupthink. The desire to reach a consensus can cause people to ignore indications that what is proposed is a bad idea. The team pushes aside any data that may derail the consensus decision. Irving Janis, who first described the Groupthink Phenomenon, offers this explanation of the eight steps to Groupthink. Illusions of invulnerability lead members of the group to be overly optimistic and engage in risk-taking.Unquestioned beliefs lead members to ignore possible moral problems and ignore the consequences of individual and group actions.Rationalizing prevents members from reconsidering their beliefs and causes them to ignore warning signs.Stereotyping leads members of the in-group to ignore or even demonize ou t-group members who may oppose or challenge the groups ideas.Self-censorship causes people who might have doubts to hide their fears or misgivings. Mindguards act as self-appointed censors to hide problematic information from the group.Illusions of unanimity lead members to believe that everyone is in agreement and feels the same way.Direct pressure to conform is often placed on members who pose questions, and those who question the group are often seen as disloyal or traitorous. A middle of the road solution may not be the best solution. Nobel Prize winner John Nash, Jr. developed the concept that is now called a Nash equilibrium. This is a situation in which you cant make any more changes without making a particular team member better off. The decision may not be the best solution, but its the most fair option. However, by its very nature, its not the best possible outcome for any one person or group. Consensus decision making can cause a group to agree to the lowest common denomi nator- a solution or decision that satisfies the team members need to agree- but is definitely not optimal for the business. Additionally, in business, not every factor, department, person or decision in an organization is equally important. For instance, the HR department may push for no layoffs. This sounds great and is what youd expect from your HR team. But, by not cutting labor costs, you have to cut costs in another area. The consensus decision is to cut manufacturing costs and not do employee layoffs, but the result is a shoddy product that eventually causes the company to lose market share. Ultimately, all the employees are worse off. Perhaps the disaster could have been avoided by not treating every department or concern as of equal worth. Business, by its nature, is hierarchical. Sure, organizations such as Zappos run on this holacracy theory, in which the hierarchy is very flat but even then you only see CEO Tony Hsieh speaking to the press, and not John in customer servi ce. Regardless of what your formal structure looks like, some people have power and other people do not have power. If your goal is consensus decision making, this power differential allows the powerful to heavily influence the less powerful to reach consensus. Then, if the decision made is a failure, the powerful can point out that everyone agreed to this solution. In other words, the aura of consensus decision making allows the powerful to avoid responsibility. Overall, in business, a complete and total consensus isnt necessary. You can reach decisions, and the entire senior team can promote the message without requiring every employee to be happy with the decision. Leadership involves risk-taking, and sometimes that means taking action or providing direction that not all employees love.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

List of Real Estate Job Titles and Descriptions

List of Real Estate Job Titles and DescriptionsList of Real Estate Job Titles and DescriptionsA career in real estate career combines elements of human interaction, sales, a service ethic, geography, and economics. Compensation is usually good andsometimes it can even be excellent. Pay is often based on commission for some positions, so the more properties you sell- especially high-priced properties- the more money youll make. But real estate involves more than just agents and brokers. Many other real estate positions are available, and several paths exist intoreal estate work. Most consumers are unaware of the distinctions between these roles and they use some titles interchangeably, even though the legal requirements behind them differ. The Real Estate Agent unterstellung terms agent and broker are often used interchangeably when, in fact, the difference is rather significant. Agents can be either buyers agents or listing agents. As the terms imply, the former represents those who want to buy property and the latter assists those who want to sell. Anyone who sells real estate on behalf of the owner or assists a client in purchasing property is areal estate agent. There are two levels of licensing in real estate. You must first take a training course, pass a test, and receive a license to practice as an agent under the supervision of a broker. State requirements for licenses vary. A Real Estate Broker Becoming areal estate brokerrequires a second level of licensure after becoming licensed as and working as an agent for a period of time. Further study and a more stringent test are required. Many states impose certain educational requirements that must be met before sitting for the broker exam, although a college degree isnt typically necessary. A high school diploma is, however, and having a college degree can help with getting a job. Associate brokers are those who are licensed as brokers themselves but nonetheless work under the supervision of another broker. Managing brokers manage their own real estate offices. Theyre sometimes referred to as brokers-in-charge. REALTORs REALTOR is a legally protected phrase owned by theNational Association of REALTORS (NAR). It doesnt refer to a separate level of licensure, but rather it designates that the individual is a member of NAR. Members must meet high professional and ethical standards set by the association. There are approximately 1 million REALTORs in the U.S. Many brokerages require that their agents be members. Other Positions in a Real Estate sekretariat Real estate clerks dont need licenses, although they do need relevant experience. They maintain records and handle paperwork and other administrative duties for real estate brokerages. Office managers oversee a brokerages day-to-day operations, not unlike in other industries. They deal with everything from maintenance and ordering supplies to scheduling and bookkeeping. Other Common Real Estate Jobs Many positions in other fields are necessary to the sale of real estate. After a building is built or renovated, an inspector comes in to ensure that the building is up to code. Some inspectors specialize in residential houses, while others specialize in commercial and other types of buildings. Home Inspectorsprovide professional opinions and documentation of a home, determined by a visual evaluation in addition to operational testing of the homes elements and components to determine its current condition.Because most real estate properties are not bought with cash, bankers have processes for deciding whether to issue loans to buyers. That process begins with an appraisal- a professional estimation of the financial value of the property. Real estate appraisers sometimes also set values for property tax purposes, for drumherum compensation levels in cases of seizure by eminent domain, and they might assist in negotiations between buyers and sellers and renters and owners. Appraisers must be either c ertified or licensed, and several levels of licensure exist. A loan professional takes over on the bank side of the equation after the appraiser performs his job, while any of several types of mortgage professionals will help the buyer negotiate the process. Mortgage consultants, or loan officers, advise borrowers on choosing the best mortgage and they assist in helping them fill out loan applications. They make their money through commissions on the loans. Loan underwritersmake sure that buyers are able to repay their mortgagesbefore granting approval for loans. The underwriterwill either approve, suspend, or turn down a mortgage application.Licensed closing agentsor closing coordinators ensure that the financial transaction is accomplished properly.Real estate lawyersmake sure all legal agreements involved in the sale are properly drawn up, and they handle any disputes about ownership.Real estate consultantsand real estate analysts help potential buyers understand how to invest in real estate in order to get a good financial return. Real estate managers, sometimes referred to as property managers, manage properties belonging to investors. They deal with hands-on operations and are additionally responsible for maintaining the propertys value and income. Theyre typically paid a percentage of the rents they generate and collect.Foreclosure specialistsfacilitate the process when a home or property is reclaimed by a bank due to non-payment on a mortgage. They might help the homeowner, the lender, the new buyer, or all three with procedures, but foreclosure specialists usually work with banks and real estate companies.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

AFSC 3D0X4 - Computer Systems Programming

AFSC 3D0X4 - Computer Systems ProgrammingAFSC 3D0X4 - Computer Systems ProgrammingThere are computer programmers in the military and they get educated in many computer languages. If you have an interest in computers and want to be a programmer, you will get the chance to learn about many different languages such as C, Java, JavaScript, F, COBOL, BASIC, ColdFusion, SQL, and well as secured programming.You may also get to work with cyber warfare as well.There you can analyze malware viruses and reverse engineer these threats while learning how to use programs such as A, Security, and receive CEH certifications. Computer Systems Programming personnel supervise and perform as computer analyst, coder, tester and manager in the design, development, maintenance, testing, configuration management, and documentation of application software systems, client-server, and web-enabled software and relational database systems critical to warfighting capabilities. Specific Duties Specific duties of the Computer Systems Programmer in the Air Force include the following Develops standardized tools and interfaces in accordance with Air Force Network Operations (AFNETOPS) guidance to transform raw data into actionable C2 information.Develops and implements policy to enable effective information discovery, indexing, storage, life-cycle management, retrieval, and sharing in a collaborative enterprise information environment.Harnesses capabilities of systems designed to collect, store, retrieve, process and display data to ensure information dominance.Ensures compliance with DoD directives and standards for security and interoperability. Protects operating systems, application software, files, and databases from unauthorized access to sensitive information, or misuse of communications-computer resources.Determines analyzes and develops requirements for software systems through interpreting standards, specifications, and user needs as a system analyst.Determines, designs, and devel ops data requirements, database structure, process flow, systematic procedures, algorithms, and file structures to implement and maintain software systems using software engineering techniques. Works with systems using software methodologies such as distributed processing, systems networking, advanced information storage and retrieval, and management techniques.Determines and recommends the most reasonable approach in designing new systems or modifying existing systems. Develops and maintains system specifications.Conducts and participates in system reviews and technical interchanges.Selects appropriate software development tools.Explores commercial off-the-shelf options to satisfy user requirements. Translates system specifications and requirements into program code and database structures implements designed functionality as software coders.Analyzes output products and debugs source code to isolate and correct errors in program logic, syntax, and data entry, and to ensure accuracy and efficiency.Conducts code reviews and unit-level testing.Develops and maintains unit-level test plans. Arranges test data and routines.Modifies existing programs to correct program errors or modifies existing functionality or interface. Job Training Initial Skills Training (Tech School) AF Technical School graduation results in the award of a 3-skill level (apprentice). Following Air Force Basic Training, airmen in this AFSC attend the following course(s) E3AQR3D034 00AA, Computer Systems Programming Apprentice at Keesler AFB, MS - 55 class days.Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) - Computer Science Technology courses will earn you 19 college credits for completing tech school at the Community College of the Air Force Certification Training After tech school, individuals report to their permanent duty assignment, where they are entered into 5-level (technician) upgrade training. This training is a combination of on-the-job task certification, and enrollment in a corre spondence course called a Career Development Course (CDC). Once the airmans trainer(s) have certified that they are qualified to perform all tasks related to that assignment, and once they complete the CDC, including the final closed-book written test, they are upgraded to the 5-skill level, and are considered to be certified to perform their job with minimal supervision. Advanced Training Upon achieving the rank of Staff Sergeant, airmen are entered into 7-level (craftsman) training. A craftsman can expect to fill various supervisory and management positions such as shift leader, element NCOIC (Noncommissioned Officer in Charge), flight superintendent, and various staff positions. Upon promotion to the rank of Senior Master Sergeant, personnel convert to AFSC 3D090, Cyber Operations Superintendent. 3D090 personnel provide direct supervision and management to personnel in AFSCs 3D0X1, 3D0X2, 3D0X3, and 3D0X5. A 9-level can expect to fill positions such as flight chief, superintende nt, and various staff NCOIC jobs. It is through these advanced trainings that a programmer earns the title of project manager and becomes highly marketable outside the military. Assignment Locations Virtually any Air Force Base. Mainly these however Ft George MeadeOffuttMaxwellGunter AnnexScott Average Promotion Times (Time in Service) Airman (E-2) 6 monthsAirman First Class (E-3) 16 monthsSenior Airman (E-4) 3 yearsStaff Sergeant (E-5) 5 years?Technical Sergeant (E-6) 9 yearsMaster Sergeant (E-7) 17 yearsSenior Master Sergeant (E-8) 19.7 yearsChief Master Sergeant (E-9) 22.3 years Required ASVAB Composite Score G-64 Security Clearance Requirement Secret / Top Secret Other Requirements Must be a US CitizenA extremum score of 71 on the Electronic Data Processing Test.Completion of high school is mandatory. Courses in algebra, geometry, and computer science and programming are desirable. Civilian Marketability In the Air Force, programmers are expected to fill two primary role s - Computer Programming and Project Management.The experience gained in the military will be highly sought after by civilian computer programming / engineering type firms. The Air Force jobs of programming and project management are both particularly high-paying jobs in the civilian world.In fact, you will make more money in the civilian world than in the military if you are good at your job. Its not uncommon to start out at $100k/year in both professions, but can even make up to $200,000 or more.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Secret to Resume Templates for Mac

The Secret to Resume Templates for Mac Make koranvers that you get the information youre looking for. Youre able to list your abilities or contact data in the sidebar and add your education and experience in the primary section of the resume. All its services are completely free and you may acquire them from any portion of earth. You also receive a feeling of what information you dont have to include. So as to have a professional created resumes and if youre utilizing a Mac OS device, you may use a number of the best resume schablones for Mac. If you obey my outlined resume writing guides listed under resume templates you will shortly observe your interview rates increase. The Interactive Resume Builder will make it simple for you to earn documentation for your job assignments in plus-rechnen to your abilities and training to think of a professionally looking html file. When its not good, your CV might not even be looked at. Microsoft Word resume templates are the most regula rly used tool in the work hunting. Fortunately, there are lots of absolutely free Word and Pages resume templates for Mac available online you may use a starting point. Other software like pdf995 employs the print function. You can make your own CV template from scratch. After that, select an expert format. In reality, the chronological resume template has become the most traditional resume format. The War Against Resume Templates for Mac Dont forget that your resume may be read by means of a computer. 7 Another absolutely free Word resume example made by MOO together with Microsoft. Producing your resume is vital. The Hidden Secret of Resume Templates for Mac Also make certain to tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Thus, your resumes are simply a single push away normally. If you have a look at both the formats you wont find much difference, but a more sophisticated review will bring upon the differentiation. Make sure that you pick a curriculum vitae for mat thats suitable for the position youre applying for. You are going to be greeted with the next window. To automatically include personal information like your name address and telephone number in a word resume template on the term menu click preferences and click user details. Listed below are examples of information that could be included in your curriculum vitae. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. The use of the resume is to present you as a potential candidate for the job youre applying for. Its two-column layout enables you to place a lot of information, which makes it a fantastic selection for experienced job seekers who desire to limit themselves to a one-page resume. The template isnt hard to edit and has a one-column design, which makes it an excellent alternative for a person who is just beginning to look for their very first job. Be mindful to align your career objective in keeping with the particular needs of the job youre applying for it should mean to fulfill the organizations need. Yes, its a fact that a resume can be customized according to the needed job requirements but still there are some fundamental points that you ought to include to make sure a standard resume. If you might sell esoteric merchandise and services couple of women and men care about, then you certainly will need to be more in a place to advertise yourself. Make certain you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The 30-Second Trick for Upload Resume on Linkedin

The 30-Second Trick for Upload Resume on Linkedin Upload Resume on Linkedin Can Be Fun for Everyone After you get a polished and proofread resume, youre realize that uploading resume to LinkedIn is quite simple. Including a hyperlink to an awful LinkedIn profile will do more damage than good. Ok, I Think I Understand Upload Resume on Linkedin, Now Tell Me About Upload Resume on Linkedin Over the last couple of decades, LinkedIn started supplanting the major job search sites. In addition, LinkedIn permits you to look for individuals with specific qualifications through a keyword search. LinkedIn delivers an almost endless selection of opportunities for business professionals. For an organization LinkedIn isnt only a completely free means to promote your services but a helpful tool in recruiting new employees or collaborators also. Top Choices of Upload Resume on Linkedin LinkedIn isnt a work board, it is a professional networking website. LinkedIn is an incredible social networking channel for professionals. LinkedIn then offers you an amazing tips idea on how to construct your own personal business network connections quickly. LinkedIn has many fantastic attributes and a slew of capabilities and possibilities. Life After Upload Resume on Linkedin The LinkedIn URL ought to go in the header along with the remainder of your contact details. Resumes are generally a little restrictive as you observe an overall format. They are not searchable or displayed on the website to anyone. Upload Resume on Linkedin Features A properly executed social media profile on LinkedIn is a significant job-search tool which increases your visibility, but it doesnt guarantee that youll be viewed, or seen by the folks with the authority and the urge to employ a professional like you. On the flip side, you also will need to take advantage of your LinkedIn profile to the fullest extent possible. For the advantage of the user It isnt uncommon for business people to ut ilize LinkedIn in the most fundamental manner. LinkedIn can be a really helpful tool in regards to getting your name out there and facing the correct folks. A Startling Fact about Upload Resume on Linkedin Uncovered Actually, LinkedIn can even help you to find events to attend, as thats still another thing Members have the ability to post about. LinkedIn is an essential approach to come across the appropriate Direction. If you would like to change your resume on LinkedIn later, just stick to the process above. You might discover that using LinkedIn can be a better choice. Upload Resume on Linkedin - Overview Standard Resumes on LinkedIn May Discourage Contact Recruiters and others appearing to fill jobs frequently utilize LinkedIn as a means to source candidates, which is among the reasons job seekers require a presence. Look for a job which you would want to turn in an application for that has the LinkedIn easy apply option. LinkedIn is among the most effective career too ls for your job search apart from your resume. For an individual using LinkedIn is a significant method to search for a new job or company prospect.